Why is it advantageous not to discriminate?
The project proceeds from experience with cases of ethnic and race motivated discrimination on the labour market. Workers and job applicants who are different from major society “at first sight” are often treated in a way that reflects deep rooted stereotypes in our society, which forbid objective assessment of person´s individual abilities and skills. To regard an individual person as a causer of for us unacceptable acts that are superficially accredited to a certain group of people, consequently leads to the vicious circle of long-term unemployment of these people, which again leads to the decrease in their chances on the labour market. Of course that this kind of treatment harms one´s personality and makes a barrier against realization in the society and possibility to identify with it.
Support to equal treatment to all citizens offers much more opportunities to increase the potential of a non-discriminatory employer. Creation and development of those parts of corporate culture that ensure equal treatment conditions at work as well as at labour recruitment not influenced by bad stereotypes regarding people of different ethnic origin, results in:
- more effective use of labour and more positive working environment;
- job applicants motivated to get a job with a welcoming, i.e. socially responsible employer;
- motivated and loyal employees with good relationships among themselves as well as to the company;
- acceptance of one of social responsibility principles in commercial subjects and building good reputation, which is also a part of marketing strategies of many companies;
- good image at the public, partners, customers, future employees, and, last but not least, authorities.
Aktuální oznámení
Společnost LLOYDS&HOOVER s.r.o. získala dne 08. 06. 2017 značku Ethnic Friendly zaměstnavatel a stala se tak další společností, která klade důraz na dodržování zásad rovného zacházení s etnicky odlišným obyvatelstvem. Při jednání se zaměstnanci klade tato společnost důraz na přímou a otevřenou komunikaci, což považujeme za podstatný a přívětivý prvek firemní kultury.
Značka Ethnic Friendly zaměstnavatel byla dnes opět udělena zaměstnavateli Nová Mosilana, který je největším výrobním závodem italského koncernu MARZOTTO GROUP a největším výrobcem vlněných tkanin v Evropě.