About the Ethnic Friendly Employer Brand
The thought of certifying employers for purposes of supporting equal treatment of people of minority ethnic origin and increasing their employment rate originated in IQ Roma service Civic Association (IQRS) in 2006.
The project Ethnic Friendly Employer (EFE) is a reaction to persistent employment discrimination against ethnic minorities in the Czech Republic, especially (but not only) against the Roma. The EU regulations regarding racial discrimination (Racial Equality Directive EU 2000/43/ES) had not been applied in the Czech Republic when the project was launched in 2006. The existing law was not addressing the problem adequately .
The situation did not lead to any improvement of life conditions of the Czech Roma; on the contrary it was reinforcing the stereotypes and prejudice of the majority and inhibiting change of behaviour of both, ethnic minorities and majority as well. The Roma employment seekers (e.i. the Roma who are looking for a job, who want to work and can set a good example to others) are facing difficulties which are persistent regardless of the economic situation of the country. Recruitment strategies of majority of employers on the Czech labour market still reflect the common attitudes of majority to the minority groups job applicants. In addition, lots of them are rejected without any specific reason.
The Ethnic Friendly Employer brand tries to break the vicious cycle and to address the employers, their customers and the demotivated job seekers.
Why to certificate Ethnic Friendly Employers?
- it is an award for the pro-ethnic companies, quite the opposite to the legal prosecution of the employers who discriminate,
- it corresponds to the principles of active civil society and social responsibility of the companies,
- it is an adequate PR tool for the companies,
- it is a specific and visible symbol which is comprehensible to the majority and to ethnically disadvantaged groups,
- it interconnects the nonprofit sector, businesses and the government.
Aktuální oznámení
Společnost LLOYDS&HOOVER s.r.o. získala dne 08. 06. 2017 značku Ethnic Friendly zaměstnavatel a stala se tak další společností, která klade důraz na dodržování zásad rovného zacházení s etnicky odlišným obyvatelstvem. Při jednání se zaměstnanci klade tato společnost důraz na přímou a otevřenou komunikaci, což považujeme za podstatný a přívětivý prvek firemní kultury.
Značka Ethnic Friendly zaměstnavatel byla dnes opět udělena zaměstnavateli Nová Mosilana, který je největším výrobním závodem italského koncernu MARZOTTO GROUP a největším výrobcem vlněných tkanin v Evropě.